Hosting Report

Get a Cheap Website and Cheap Web Hosting Easily

Almost everyone out there has an urge to do something on the internet, however it can be very pricey to start an online business through the world wide web. This is why I am going to give you some great tips to find cheap website design services and cheap web hosting services. There is no need to throw away thousands of dollars to get your idea online.

With the power of the internet and talent of online programmers, it is getting easier to obtain a hosting account with a free website builder or a low cost application on the internet to help build your website.

I recommend you search the web for cheap web design, or cheap web hosting on the internet to find exactly what you are looking for. You can view several web hosting companies out there and find one that includes a free or cheap website builder with their services.

So instead of paying a company one or two thousand dollars to develop your basic web site, why not cut that down to $40 or $50 with an easy to use website builder. You can also find free or cheap website templates on the internet. These will allow you to obtain a design, then you can pay someone a small fee ($100-$200) to implement your page content in to that quality template.

When it comes to hosting services, you must find a cheap web hosting provider. Buyer beware, many hosting companies use bait and switch tactics. You should not pay more than $10 per month for web hosting services and there should not be any type of contract or up front fees due. This will help to protect your wallet. When looking for a web hosting provider, look for a company that will offer great features and add-ons as well. You need to save money on web site hosting services; while maintaining a quality web site hosting provider. We recommend buying from a hosting company that provides telephone support to their customers.

You can also find great deals on SSL certificates by searching the web. You can literally get a secure certificate for as low as $25 per year these days, which is a nice change from the $150 per year vendors from the past. As long as the SSL certificate says you are protected when you use a browser, you are as safe as it gets. I recommend getting 256bit encryption which will help to obtain the best protection for the latest browsers.

Now days, with the advancements in quality website hosting services, you can find a great deal without sacrificing quality service. This is perfect for today’s consumer. So shop savvy for the products or services you need, and you are bound to find a cheap deal.

Lastly, if you are looking for a cheap ecommerce shopping cart, do some research for this as well. There is no reason to pay hundreds of dollars per month to manage your products online. Also make sure to find a vendor that provides search engine optimization with their shopping cart products.

Joel Mclaughlin

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2 Responses to “Get a Cheap Website and Cheap Web Hosting Easily”

  1. Eddie I says:

    a) Why did the HTML markup language acquire such a large following so quickly?
    (b) There are agreed international standards for ports and protocols. Why is there no international standard for the format used to store sound and video in files?
    (4 percent)

    (c) Who maintains the connections which make up the Internet? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this arrangement? (5 percent)

    (d) You are maintaining a small business website with the address ‘’. You are offered a cheaper hosting package with a company whose servers are based in Germany. Do you need to change your site name? If you don’t need to change explain how you can keep your name. If you do need to change explain how you will you redirect your current customers to your new site.(5 percent)

    (e) I decide to name my brand new computer ‘’ and attach it to the internet.
    (i) Why should I assign a name to a computer when it can be easily contacted by other computers using its IP number?
    (ii) Who controls what names computers on the Internet can have?

  2. izzieere says:

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    For your first question, have a flick through the following website. There is also some other stuff on the same website marking the 15th anniversary of the internet.
    References :

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