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Can I get a free hosting service that supports wordpress?

I was wondering if I could get a free website and then use wordpress on it. For example, say I get a free website off webs and then try to install wordpress on it. If it’s possible. Anyway, thnaks for your time 🙂 I would have any free web hoster, as long as it supports wordpress.

Certainly, there are tons of sites that will host wordpress. What you want to do is Google "free web hosting", then go to one of them an look at the table of sites. is one such comparison site, but that’s just an example.

You will need php, which pretty much everyone has nowadays. Also look for MySQL, which is also common, but not ubiquitous. A site with "no forced advertisements" is nice, too.

When you look at the sites, be on the lookout for "Fantastico" or "One-click installer". Sometimes a site will list a one-click installer for WordPress – then you know for sure it’s suitable.

A word of caution – ALL free hosts go down from time to time, no matter how much they deny it. As long as you’re ok with your blog being offline for a day or few days at a time, you’ll be fine.

I personally picked two hosting services that had MODEST offerings, which would be quite enough for a personal blog. The trouble with a free host that will just let anybody in to put up whatever they want, with large space and high bandwidth – well, that host won’t last. My opinion is someone will come in and try to stream illegal movies or something, and ruin it for everybody. That’s the lesson that I learned from – they are no more.

So what did I pick?, because they made me write a little essay on what I planned to do with the site, and a human reviewed it. Hopefully, that discourages scammers, and fly-by-night schemes. Also I tried, which limits its registrations to a low number each day. At first, I couldn’t get in, but eventually I was signed up. This tells me that they’re managing their site well. Also, they had restrictions on content, no nudity period (not just porn, anything). To me, that means they’re less likely to get subpoenaed and shut down by the authorities gathering evidence on someone shady.

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3 Responses to “Can I get a free hosting service that supports wordpress?”

  1. bo75007 says:

    Doesn’t seem likely that any free web hosts would give you access to php and mysql databases which is required by wordpress.

    Almost certainly no.
    References :

  2. roderick_young says:

    Certainly, there are tons of sites that will host wordpress. What you want to do is Google "free web hosting", then go to one of them an look at the table of sites. is one such comparison site, but that’s just an example.

    You will need php, which pretty much everyone has nowadays. Also look for MySQL, which is also common, but not ubiquitous. A site with "no forced advertisements" is nice, too.

    When you look at the sites, be on the lookout for "Fantastico" or "One-click installer". Sometimes a site will list a one-click installer for WordPress – then you know for sure it’s suitable.

    A word of caution – ALL free hosts go down from time to time, no matter how much they deny it. As long as you’re ok with your blog being offline for a day or few days at a time, you’ll be fine.

    I personally picked two hosting services that had MODEST offerings, which would be quite enough for a personal blog. The trouble with a free host that will just let anybody in to put up whatever they want, with large space and high bandwidth – well, that host won’t last. My opinion is someone will come in and try to stream illegal movies or something, and ruin it for everybody. That’s the lesson that I learned from – they are no more.

    So what did I pick?, because they made me write a little essay on what I planned to do with the site, and a human reviewed it. Hopefully, that discourages scammers, and fly-by-night schemes. Also I tried, which limits its registrations to a low number each day. At first, I couldn’t get in, but eventually I was signed up. This tells me that they’re managing their site well. Also, they had restrictions on content, no nudity period (not just porn, anything). To me, that means they’re less likely to get subpoenaed and shut down by the authorities gathering evidence on someone shady.
    References :

  3. Web Host 33 says:

    I almost sure allows you to install WordPress into it! I found this coupon code if you use it you get your first month of hosting free! Here it is wwwebbb
    References :

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